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The #1 writing tool
for engineers

Join top engineers and use our AI-powered writing to
write tech specs and project updates 70% faster.

Write better docs

No more writer's block

Pick templates that top engineers have written. Enter your key ideas and perspectives. WriteEdge will craft a polished draft in your voice ready for feedback.

Write like a senior engineer

Craft clear, concise, and impactful documents that stand out. Our AI helps you structure ideas, anticipate feedback, and refine your writing to match the clarity and precision of a senior engineer. Communicate with confidence and authority.

Get specific feedback

Feedback is essential for improving your writing. WriteEdge simulates insights from senior engineers, CTOs, and product managers. It helps you anticipate their questions and priorities. Prepare effectively for feedback meetings and enhance your drafts.

Private, by default
Your data is stored securely and kept private. They are never shared and protected within a secure environment.
Write drafts 70% faster
Start with vetted templates and AI-powered suggestions. Turn your ideas into polished drafts in half the time. Focus more on your content, not formatting.
Real-time feedback
Get real-time feedback as you write, just like Grammarly. Improve clarity, tone, and structure without leaving your document.